Adventures in Oz

Thursday, April 28, 2005

And still more pictures


just added about 30 more pictures, plus some of ANU!

click here


Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Okay ya'll, I'm too tired to type up Adelaide. I'll do it tomorrow when I'm procrastinating writing my essays about kangaroos and burrowing bettongs. Yes, that's right, thats my essay topic, hahaaha I love Australia. Anyway, here's the link with 42 pictures from the Adelaide trip.
Click "View Picutres" then click "View as slideshow" next to the pink arrow, NOT THE BLUE BAR, look to the right of the pictures under the menu and click that view as sideshow. Then enjoy! They go in sequential order from our trip from Canberra --> Gundagai --> Narranderra --> Hay --> Tooleybuc--> Adelaide and the wedding. It'll make more sense after I post the story ;-)





Melbourne update at long last!!!!!!!!!!

It was so much fun!!!!!! We
left early on Saturday morning (April 3) and caught a plane to Melbourne. From there we got a taxi into the city (about a 25 minute drive) and checked into our hotel. We stayed at some place called the Global Village which was about a 12 block walk to the centre of the city. Lauren and I split from Kayelene and Lance (her parents) and walked about 5 blocks to the Old Melbourne Gaol. The weather was pretty warm, up in the high 80s, but there was a good breeze so at least it wasn’t stifflng. The gaol (pronounced jail, they just spell it weird) was really interesting. It’s 3 stories and is the sight of a lotof hangings in Australia’s history. It’s most famous for the hanging of Ned Kelly. We walked around for a little while and then they had a free drama production of the capture and death of Ned Kelly right under the actual gallows where he was hung. It was very well done, 2 actors who played about 4 different parts each over half an hour. After the show we went into some of the cells. Most of them were open to the public and had displays set up about other famous criminals who spent time there.
After the gaol we caught the City Circle Tram, which is a free old fashioned tram that runs around the city every 20 minutes or so. We got off at the Hard Rock Café. One of the theatres nearby is getting ready to put on a production of "Dirty Dancing" in June on stage and they had all sorts of famous sayings from the movie up in the windows like "Nobody puts baby in a corner" and "I carried a watermelon?". So I took lots of pictures ;-) Then we ate lunch. The
Melbourne one is on the smaller side, with a relatively similar menu as home.
After the Hard Rock we walked down the CBD (central business district or downtown) and went into some of the big department stores and did a little shopping. Then we were kind of hungry again so we went to the Pancake Parlour (same place that we went to in Civic) and had a really cute waiter waiting on us. He saw us pouring over the guide book trying to find something to do that night and told us about the Melbourne Comedy Festival and gave us directions. So we wandered around for a bit and eventually found the theatre. While we were standing there, looking lost again and trying to figure out how it all worked, people started coming up to us and giving us fliers and offering us free tickets to go and see some of the comedians. The festival has about 4 venues and a different Australian comedian on every 90 minutes or so over the course of a week. The district where it’s held is really beautiful at night, all lit up. So we bought two tickets because we had been given the other two for free. We’d never heard of the comedians we were going to see, but since we had nothing else to do, we figured we’d give it a go. The first guy was alright- very funny, but used a lot of profanity that really was unnecessary for his show. The second guy we went to was really funny though. He put on a bit of a historical production about the gold rush and siege that had happened in New South Wales. He played several characters during the production. It was really entertaining and contained a ton of Australian culture and history which was really good. Unfortunately the theatre was unbearably hot and by the end of the 90 minutes we were melting. Keep in mind that we had been on the go since 8 am and its now past 11, haha. Good and tired after this we grabbed a taxi back home ( a little too late and too far to walk when we weren’t really sure where we were going). The hotel wasn’t very well air conditioned unless you were in the main room, so it wasn’t a very comfortable nights sleep!

The next day we all got up around 9 and took our luggage back downtown to store in the train station lockers while we were at the game. Then we walked up over the bridge and into the Telstra stadium. The Aussie Rules game was the Adelaide Crows versus the Collingwood Magpies. Collingwood is a Melbourne team, so it was their home game. Evidently, everyone hates Collingwood. Doesn’t matter who you barrack (remember, you never ever ever say "root" for a team. You barrack or cheer) for, you just automatically hate Collingwood. Anyway, we bought a "footy record" (a program) and then were handed sign boards to cheer on our team! We had about an hour or so before the game started so we grabbed some lunch and then meandered up to our seats on the third level. We could choose where we wanted to sit on this level and because the oval is fairly small, it didn’t really matter where we sat. We watched the Crows come out for their warm up. I sat next to Kayelene so she could explain the game to me, although I was properly warned by Lauren not to talk to her once she gets in the mood because she can be sort of violent. Not really, of course, but she gets fired up over her team! It wasn’t a very exciting game as far as AFL games go, evidently, but in the fourth and final quarter we were neck and neck with Collingwood and scored a goal to win the game! After the game we went to the Members Meeting where we got to see and meet a couple of the players, which was really cool. Kayelene was in heaven! Then we walked up to the Casino (a fair distance) which is HUGE, much bigger than the one in Sydney. We had dinner there and then caught a taxi back
to the train station to get our luggage and catch our plane back home. The taxi ride was interesting because our driver was a hippie from the 70s and drove at about 120kms an hour (speed limit is 80!!!!) and got us there in about half the time! It was a little scary! But all in all, a fantastic trip!
I’ll post the rest of the pictures on my website eventually ;-)