Adventures in Oz

Thursday, February 17, 2005

3 days left of freedom...

Well school starts on Monday. That is going to be such a rude awakening, considering I've had over 2 months off. At least it'll be somethign to do, and there's not as much pressure this semester as past. The Australian grading system is different than ours. Instead of having As, Bs etc, they have: High Distinction, Distinction, Credit, Pass, and Fail.I only have to get credits (the equivalent of a C) in order to get credit back at Tech. However, their system is also different in that isntead of having 4 tests in every like class like most of us do, they will very often only have 1 or 2 assessments PER CLASS. Lauren's had a couple exams worth 95 or 100% of her grade! That is terrifying to me, so we'll see how it goes.
Yesterday was fun though. We're trying to fit as much relaxation in as we can. In the afternoon we went to Market Day at Uni which is where all the clubs and societies have their stands and you can sign up. I joined the psych society and opened a bank account. Super exciting, lol. Anyway, after that we came back home and relaxed some and then went and got Chinese food. It's definitely a little different here, but it was still really good. Their Honey Chicken tastes exactly like it does at PF Changs. Yum! We took our food to Fadden Pines (a local park) and had a picnic on top of the playground. It was really fun and the weather was beautiful if not a little cold, but then these obnoxious little kids started running around. Now, normal parents would have told their kids to stop running and kicking over our food but this lovely mother (who spent most of her time talking about cigarettes and cursing) told her kids "Keep playing, it's not a restaurant". What! Duh, but come on lady, common sense! It was funny though, we just laughed at her.
Anyways, after we finished we went and played on the playground like 6 year olds. It was a lot of fun, I hadn't been on swings in quite awhile! After this we came home and watched 3 episodes of sex and the city. We've been on a bit of a marathon run of that show, because neither Lauren nor I watched it while it was on its first run.
Other good news- they're only about 6 weeks behind on the O.C.!!! I've been trying to convince Lauren to watch it, but I haven't gotten her hooked quite yet- we're only on episode three though, so we'll give it some time.
Okay, well I should be off, we're babysitting later tonight and I eventually should get dressed andliving! Tomorrow Lauren's working and its her dad's birthday, Saturday we're going to lunch for her dad's bday, and other than that just enjoying the last moments of summer! Hope to hear from you all soon! Love you and miss you!

(ps make sure you post your names on the anonymous notes so I know who you are :-) )


  • At February 18, 2005 at 3:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Who needs to leave their names after they post? You should just automatically know who we are!! :) Just playing with you!! I love you, but I am waaay sorry your soo behind on the OC. Its pretty juicy this season, and tonites episode is gonna be unbelievable. Want me to rub it in a lil more? :) Oh yea Abbie got me hooked on Sex in the City as well. Its fun!! Love ya


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