Adventures in Oz

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I am so tired...

Getting up at 6:45 sucks. I've decided this. I wake up every morning to the sun shining on the beautiful Australian landscape and gorgeous exotic cockatoos and gallahs sqawking away... which would all be lovely if it weren't before seven. But seeing as how it is... I hate it. I am not meant to be a morning person!
Okay, done whinging... for now ;-) It's now Thursday around 11:30. Let me back track through yesterday really quickly. Wednesdays, so far, i only have Nervous Systems. This class is going to kill me. I thought I'd really like it, and I stll might, but it is so techincally difficult. I've always laughed when my friends have said they have classes that make their heads feel like they're exploding- now I know the feeling. Yesterday, mind you the SECOND day of class, we jumped inwith a guest lecturer talking about... action potentials, ion channels, Nernst neuroscience equations- what? Luckily it was only a 50 minute lecture otherwise my brain may have exploded. After classes Lauren and I went to Woden to do some quick shopping. I bought some candles and glassware to go with them... although I'm still missing my Pier One first bloom ones!!! Then we spent a little time trying to clean Lauren's car. It's a little scary, but I have a feeling it will be one of those endearing old cars once we get it all cleaned up. After tea we made her mom sit and watch two episodes of the OC with us- even though she won't admit it- Lauren's hooked. YES! Another convert! Although we both agree the actings a little shoddy and the a bit predictable, who cares, Brian McKenzie is hot. Ohohoh! We saw "I Love Seth" shirts at one of the stores in Woden- how awesome is that!
This morning I was up early again for a class at 9. I rode the bus all by myself :-) I feel like a 6 year old saying that, but thats okay. That's the only good thing about taking the bus- it gives me another 45 minutes to wake up while I just sit there. My class this morning was again Nervous Systems and TWO HOURS this time. yuck. All about ion channels and intracellular recording devices, which was kind of cool until he started discussing equations, at which point I tuned out completely. I feel as though I skipped class for a month or something because he kept saying "this should all be a review, I wont spend much time on this" and I'm like "whoa there buddy, I have ZERO clue what you're talking about". So this class should be fun!!!!!!!!!
The rest of the day will hopefully be spent chilling out as I am beyond tired. Tonight we're babysitting again, and this time we have... THE NOTEBOOK to watch :-) I am so excited about that! My mom sent me a HUGE and overly generous care package with gummi bears and oreos and reese's pieces + the notebook. It's amazing how much you miss some of the food from home. She also sent chocolate covered pretzels which the Aussies absolutely loved, although it took some convincing to get them to try it.
Okay, I'm off to meet Lauren, but first I wanted to say again:
Thank you to everyone's who emailed. I have heard from some unexpected people and I really can't explain how amazing it is to hear from them. Keeping in touch with people from home is my escape from the sometimes scariness of being in a new country. Although I'm trying hard to be a full-fledged Aussie this semester, you're all still in my mind! Thank you again!


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