Adventures in Oz

Friday, March 04, 2005


Grrr I just typed a long update and lost it AGAIN, so this one may be briefer.
Okay, well things have been going well. Classes are good, but tough. One of them i can't stand however, and that's Social Psych tutorial (like a recitation). It's just one of those painful classes where the TA tries to get everyone to talk and no one will answer. Also all the lab exercises are about identifying the IV and DV and thigns like that, which has gotten a little old by this point in my education. So we'll see how it goes, but it's not lookign too promising.
Wednesday was a lot of fun. We went to a farewell party for Lauren's friend Kristie. She's moving to Bathurst (about 3.5 hours north) withher boyfriend so everyone is fairly upset that she's leaving. We went to Hog's Breath in Woden for dinner. I was a little nervous about this, but one of the girls remembered me from last time so she and I had a good chat. This helped break the ice with everyone else- its always difficult to be the outsider and be accepted. After dinner we went next door to Goodberry's for ice cream. Yum! Everyone in this group is super friendly and remind me a lot of people from home- very comforting. Chantelle, who stayed with me over Christmas, gave me a lift which was nice because we got to catch up a little. She's also attending ANU so we're going to try and meet up sometimes for coffee and such. She owns and boards a horse in Canberra so she's going to take me out to meet him sometime. Woohoo! You all know how excited I am about that :-D
Tomorrow is Sky Fire, which is a big celebration that Canberra puts on every year to celebrate the end of summer. A radio station puts on a soundtrack thats coordinated to a fireworks show over the Lake. We're going early with the same group from Wednesday plus some of my friends from Australearn to have a picnic by the lake before the show starts. I'm so excited! I hope it doesn't rain, but it should be a lot of fun!
Okay kids , I'm off to bed. Thanks for all the emails! :-) Maggs- thank you for the card. It's gorgeous. AJ- email to come soon I promise!!!! VT kids- you made it to break!!! Congrats and have so much fun!!!! Love and miss you all!


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